Benchmarking of production sites using energy management system for comparisons and effective energy cost management & equipment health

The Problem Multi-site plants/business use benchmarking as a point of reference creation for their global standards as well as creating a competitive drive in their plants. Benchmarking is the practice of a business comparing key metrics of their operations to other similar companies or their group companies. Benchmarking of industrial equipment can lead to timely …

Demand, supply & distribution monitoring of energy produced by Solar PV installations

The Problem Energy generated by solar panels individually can be difficult to track and record as number of strings are at time limited in inverters. Even if meters are affixed along with the solar panels, the data acquisition of independent set of panels is a challenging task. Along with the solar panel efficiency, the inverter …

The monitoring of the entire wine making process leading to consistent quality

The Problem In wine production, mainly in the wine cellar, electricity is the main energy used. The process that consumes more energy in winery operations is cooling. This is due to the importance of operating far below ambient temperatures in order to separate and remove heat produced by fermentation and ensure product quality. After cooling, …

Tenant submetering and automatic billing report

The Problem Submetering is the installation of metering devices with the ability to measure energy usage after the primary utility meter. Submetering offers the ability to monitor energy usage for individual tenants, departments, pieces of equipment or other loads individually to account for their actual energy usage. With submetering, a clear and accurate picture of …